Saturday, October 3, 2015

Kadyrov meminta Putin untuk membolehkan infantri Chechen untuk berjuang di Syria . . .

© Said Tsarnaev/RIA Novosti

hafizinAlif Ketua Republik Chechen telah meminta Presiden Rusia untuk menghantar unit Chechen untuk melawan Negara Islam (IS, yang sebelum ini ISIS/ISIL) di Syria, sambil menambah bahawa pejuangnya telah bersumpah untuk memerangi pengganas sehingga akhir.

"Ini bukan sia-sia, saya meminta kebenaran untuk pergi ke sana dan mengambil bahagian dalam operasi khas," kata Ramzan Kadyrov dalam temu Jumaat dengan radio RSN. "Sebagai seorang Muslim, yang Chechen dan seorang patriot Rusia saya ingin mengatakan bahawa pada tahun 1999 apabila republik kami telah ditakluki dengan syaitan-syaitan ini kami bersumpah dengan Quran mengatakan bahawa kita akan memerangi mereka di mana sahaja mereka berada," kata pemimpin Chechen.

"Tetapi kita perlu keputusan Commander-in-Chief untuk melakukan ini," tegas beliau. Menurut Perlembagaan Federation, presiden juga Komander Ketua angkatan tentera.

BACA LAGI: 'Sasaran utama Barat di Syria adalah Assad, tidak ISIS' – Kadyrov (READ MORE: ‘West’s main target in Syria is Assad, not ISIS’ - Kadyrov)

Kadyrov juga menyatakan bahawa pasukan khas unit Chechen berada pada tahap yang sangat tinggi kesediaan pertempuran dan berjanji bahawa "sebaik sahaja pengganas di Syria faham bahawa kita sedang menuju ke sana mereka sangat cepat2 keluar," sambil menambah bahawa pengganas mempunyai sedikit pengalaman sebenar peperangan.

"Kami tahu mereka kerana kita telah memusnahkan mereka di sini, kami telah memerangi mereka. Dan mereka juga mengenali kami, "kata pemimpin Chechen.

Pada masa yang sama Kadyrov mengakui bahawa perjuangan menentang ancaman IS tidak boleh terhad kepada kaedah kuasa, tetapi juga perlu memasukkan pendidikan - generasi muda perlu diajar bahawa kumpulan-kumpulan pelampau menggunakan tafsiran yang salah terhadap Al-Quran.

Awal bulan ini, ketua republik Chechen melaporkan bahawa sebuah yayasan amal dinamakan selepas mendiang bapanya telah menyediakan bantuan kepada pelarian Syria di Jerman. Kadyrov menulis dalam akaun Instagram beliau bahawa pekerja amal mengambil masa hampir 2,000 pelarian bercuti untuk makan di bandar Kiel dan yayasan itu menyediakan kem-kem pelarian Jerman dengan perabot sekolah dan peralatan untuk taman permainan kanak-kanak.

BACA LAGI: Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Persekutuan memerlukan lebih luas anti-ISIS gabungan antarabangsa (READ MORE: Federal Security Service calls for broader international anti-ISIS coalition)

Minggu ini Tentera Udara Rusia mula menyampaikan mogok pembedahan ke atas kedudukan pengganas di Syria selepas dewan atas negara sebulat suara mengundi pada hari Rabu untuk menyokong permintaan Presiden Putin untuk menggunakan tentera negara di luar negara untuk memerangi keganasan. Ketua pentadbiran presiden, Sergey Ivanov, menekankan bahawa Rusia tidak akan terlibat dalam apa-apa kerja darat - bantuan hanya akan berada dalam bentuk serangan udara.

Kadyrov asks Putin to allow Chechen infantry 
to fight in Syria . . .

The head of the Chechen Republic has asked the Russian president to send Chechen units to fight Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Syria, adding that his fighters have sworn to fight terrorists till the end.

“This is not idle talk, I am asking for permission to go there and participate in special operations,” Ramzan Kadyrov said in the Friday interview with the RSN radio. “Being a Muslim, a Chechen and a Russian patriot I want to say that in 1999 when our republic was overrun with these devils we swore on the Koran that we would fight them wherever they are,” the Chechen leader said.

“But we need the Commander-in-Chief’s decision to do this,” he emphasized. According to the Russian Constitution, the president is also the commander-in-chief of the military forces.

Kadyrov also noted that Chechen special forces units were at a very high level of combat readiness and promised that “as soon as the terrorists in Syria understand that we are heading there they will very quickly get out,” adding that terrorists have little experience of real warfare.

“We know them because we have destroyed them here, we have fought them. And they also know us,” the Chechen leader said.

At the same time Kadyrov acknowledged that the fight against the IS threat must not be limited to power methods, but should also include education – the younger generation must be taught that extremist groups use the wrong interpretations of the Koran.

Earlier this month, the head of the Chechen republic reported that a charity foundation named after his late father was providing aid to Syrian refugees in Germany. Kadyrov wrote on his Instagram account that charity workers took almost 2,000 refugees for a holiday meal in the city of Kiel and that the foundation was providing German refugee camps with school furniture and equipment for children’s playgrounds.

This week the Russian Air Force started to deliver surgical strikes on terrorist positions in Syria after the country’s upper house unanimously voted on Wednesday to endorse President Putin’s request to deploy the nation’s military abroad to fight terrorism. The head of the presidential administration, Sergey Ivanov, emphasized that Russia would not be involved in any ground operation - aid would only be in the form of airstrikes.


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