Thursday, July 2, 2015

IN ♫ Geneva And Athens . . .

۞Seminar IN Geneva and Conference in Athens ۞Greece and the Money Lender ۞Muslim Alliance With Rum In The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein

hafizinAlif Imran Nazar Hosein Rahmatullahi alaih is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology, modern socio-economic  issues and expert on international affairs.

He is best- selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein Rahmatullahi alaih was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers.

He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.

yaSalam a Muslim Alliance With Rum In the End Times'

Imran Nazar Hosein Rahmatullahi 'alaih adalah ahli falsafah terkemuka Islam Antarabangsa, Ulama dan penulis, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam DUNIA politik, ekonomi, ilmu akhirat, isu-isu moden sosio-ekonomi dan pakar dalam hal ehwal antarabangsa.

Beliau adalah [‘best- selling author’ Jerusalem dalam Al-Quran. Imran Nazar Hosein Rahmatullahi ' alaih dilahirkan di pulau Caribbean Trinidad pada tahun 1942 kepada ibu bapa yang nenek moyangnya yg telah berhijrah dari India sebagai buruh.

Beliau belajar Islam, Falsafah dan Hubungan Antarabangsa di beberapa universiti dan institusi pengajian tinggi. Antaranya ialah al-Azhar di Kaherah, Mesir, Institut Perhubungan Antarabangsa Universiti Hindia Barat di Trinidad, Universiti Karachi di Pakistan, Aleemiyah Institut Pengajian Islam di Karachi, Pakistan, dan Siswazah Institut Pengajian Antarabangsa di Geneva, Switzerland.

yaSalam ‘perikatan ISLAM Dengan RUM Di AkhirZaman’

We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People and Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor. With this Messages I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God and the Mystery Surrounding us. Read Carefully. Think and Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .


Pink Floyd - Shine On YOU Crazy Diamond (Keyboard Cover) Ee . . .

SONG for A Muslim Alliance With Rum In the End Times' . . .

Sesungguhnya Umat ISLAM itu MAMPU Menyelam LAUTAN DALAM Jika mengenali g2 JatiDIRI JAMINAN dari Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam ‘perikatan ISLAM Dengan RUM Di AkhirZaman’ (A Muslim Alliance With Rum In the End Times) . . .


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